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The opening ceremony of the annual meditation practice retreat of IBSC and peace studies program.

On 23 November2566,

The opening ceremony of the annual meditation practice retreat of IBSC and peace studies program at Campson Religious Development Centre, Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province.

With great honor, the Deputy Governor of Phetchabun Province, representing the Governor of Phetchabun Province, warmly welcomed all the international students from the International Buddhist Studies College, and Peace Studies (Thai program), participating in the annual meditation retreat. Furthermore, he also introduced to the lifestyle, religious culture, and traditions of Phetchabun.

Most venerable Prof. Dr.Phra Medhivajarapundit, Director of the International Buddhist Studies College and Director of the Peace Studies Program, delivered briefings towards the venerable chairperson. He emphasized that it is the university's policy to internally develop oneself.

In this regard, most venerable Prof. Dr. Phra Dhammavajrapundit, Ph.D., Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, presided over the opening and delivered an opening remarks to all The participants.

He highlighted that life sometimes experiences happiness and sffering in worldly dimensions. Therefore, internal development is essential to create a balanced life. Mindfulness is necessary for developing the mind as part of daily life etc.

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