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The International Forum on Global Faith and Culture, Honorable Religious and Faith Leaders

Most Venerable Dhammaratna, President of Standing Committee of the International Forum on Global Faith and Culture, Master Zhang Bu Sheng, President of the Organizing Committee of the International Forum on Global Faith and Culture, Honorable Religious and Faith Leaders, Distinguished Delegates and friends;

On behalf of the International Council for the Day of Vesak I am very pleased to express my gratitude to Most Venerable Dhammaratna and Master Zhang Bu Sheng for organizing the 1st International Forum of Global Faith and Culture . This Forum will provide a common platform for interfaith dialogue which aims at promoting tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation among people of different religious and faith traditions.

The main theme of the conference I.e. “World Crises and Spiritual Solutions” is very appropriate at this juncture of history as the world is facing with various crises. By the term ‘world crisis’ I mean a significant and widespread event or situation that has far-reaching impacts on many countries or regions across the world. These crises can encompass a wide range of issues such as environmental disasters, economic recessions or depressions, pandemics, war and conflicts.. Examples of global crises in recent history include the COVID-19 pandemic, global financial crises in 2008, and major natural disasters like tsunamis or hurricanes.

World crises are interconnected in nature. One crisis often leads to another crisis as we have seen in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic which leads to economic crisis in many countries. It means that one nation or even one organized religion alone can never provide sufficient solutions to world crises. These crises require coordinated efforts to address and mitigate their effects. That is why it is necessary for people from different religious and faith traditions to create a platform for interfaith cooperation like this International Forum of Global Faith and Culture to work together to find appropriate solutions to world crises.

As it is said by the Buddha; “

Samagganam tapo sukho

Joint efforts of the like-minded people lead to happiness.” So I am happy to be present here among friends from different religious and faith traditions. I would like to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to the Organizing Committee of the Global Forum on Faith and Culture, organizers, and all staff members for hosting the International Forum in a peaceful and prosperous country named Singapore. May this wonderful Forum be of great success.

Thank you very much.

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