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IBSC MCU started developing a methodological framework for guideline-based quality assurance (QA)

15 February 2023, Seminar on “the Indicators Development for Wisdoms and Ethics in Buddhist Education”

The International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC) of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) started developing a methodological framework for guideline-based quality assurance (QA) and a scheme to improve the standardization of the International Education Excellence (IEE).

During the first phase of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation orders in 2023, inconsistency emerged about the use and the indicators of the terminology of wisdom (Knowledge) and Ethics (Virtue) for the definition, the conceptual underpinnings, and the Indicators Development for Wisdoms and Ethics in Buddhist Education the way QA relates to international standardized quality questions that will be answered for the Practice guidelines.

The aim of this seminar on “the Indicators Development for Wisdoms and Ethics in Buddhist Education” and the speech of the Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit and the broad members including the Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Dhammavajrabundit, Rector, etc., are to propose a conceptual framework for an integrated approach to guideline and QA development and clarify terms and definitions for key elements as above-mentioned. This work will inform the upcoming Commission Broad of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Commission Broad of Mahamakut Buddhist University (MBU), and the Commission of the International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC).

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